Our Process

We follow a strategic process designed to create meaningful dialogue which helps us understand you, your family, your business and your needs. The knowledge gained is key to allowing us to make the appropriate recommendations to achieve your goals. As none of our clients’ situations are identical, we are able to amend our approach to suit a specific client but generally we follow this process to help those we serve.

process graphic

Step 1: Review

Each story is unique and we will dedicate time to understand where you are in your journey, how you arrived, and help visualize what you would like your future to be. The more we know about you and what is important to you, the more precise our recommendations will be.

Step 2: Analyze

We will work with you to identify and prioritize your objectives, and then help establish a plan to meet these goals. Plans succeed when ownership is assigned and accountability is established.

Step 3: Develop

Based on our conversation and analysis, we will develop strategies and recommend the steps that it will take to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 4: Implement

We will implement our strategy, then work closely with you and other third-party professionals to ensure its success. Veritas provides ongoing service as your needs and situation change over time and will help hold you accountable.

Step 5: Monitor

Strategies need to be reviewed and adjusted periodically as your life changes. We will work with you to keep your program on track with your changing needs.